Part-time jobs can give you a rewarding experience: You have the opportunity to earn a good source of income while still having time for hobbies and other responsibilities. It is also a great way to earn more experience and build networking contacts. You can explore different career options and see if it is worth moving into full-time.
However, there are many challenges that come when you work part-time. Typically, those kinds of jobs do not give you the security that a full-time job gives you. But perhaps the biggest challenge is that you typically will not have the same health and retirement benefits of full-time jobs. Fortunately for you, there are several companies that offer great health insurance benefits for their part-time employees. Keep reading and find out which ones you should send your resume to.
Starbucks has a special benefits package that applies to all types of employees, including those who work part-time. This company was one of the first ones to offer an excellent part-time employee benefits package. To be eligible for benefits, employees must work more than 20 hours per week or work a total of 240 hours for three consecutive months.
The package includes different health plans that employees can choose from. Plans include medical, vision, dental as well as disability and accident coverage. Starbucks medical plans also cover alternative forms of health care, such as chiropractic care or acupuncture.
Besides health benefits, they also offer adoption assistance of up to $4,000 and a “college achievement plan” that pays up to 100 percent of Arizona State University online bachelor degree programs. In addition to these benefits, Starbucks offers a great 401(k) retirement plan that matches up to 6 percent of the employee’s contribution. As you can see, working at Starbucks will provide more benefits than just tasting great coffee.
This large retailer offers health insurance for all its employees who work for 600 hours or 180 days. These employees can benefit from Costco’s employee health insurance “choice plus health plan.” A great benefit of this plan is that you get to choose your providers. All workers eligible for this plan also enjoy a low-cost dental plan that covers basic services and vision coverage. The company has a program known as the Costco Care network that offers free mental health care.
If you require medication, you can access Costco’s in-house prescription plan. For workers in Hawaii, the plans and eligibility are different.
All employees no matter how many hours they work have access to the Anthem Preventative Plus plan, as well as a dental and vision plan. All of these plans can also cover your spouse and children. If you work an average of 30 or more hours per week over a 12-month period, you may be eligible for other benefits. The Anthem Hourly PPO plan includes telemedicine services.
You can also receive free assistance to schedule appointments, negotiate bills, get more information about your treatment and research more options. If you require mental health counseling, Chiplote offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that will provide you emotional support in difficult and stressful situations of your life.
Trader’s Joe
Part-time employees at Trader’s Joe can enjoy medical, dental and vision coverage for just $85 per month. Trader Joe’s covers about 83 percent of the premium costs.
They also offer a great retirement plan. The company contributes 10 percent of the employee’s annual salary, and the employee does not have to match this contribution. The salary is also one of the best, and you can get a raise of around 7-10 percent each year.
When you work at REI for an average of 20 hours per week or more, you can access the REI Flex health plan. This plan offers one of the best health insurance programs. The company pays for the majority of the costs of your medical plan and also offers full coverage for disability.
Employees can also opt for dental and vision health packages. You can also include your dependents on the health plan. Additional benefits include up to 50 percent discounts at the store, tuition reimbursement and paid time off.
JP Morgan Chase
All JP Morgan Chase employees who work an average of 20 or more hours per week are eligible for health plan benefits after working for 90 days. You can access one plan from four different options: a POS high option, a POS low option, an HMO option and a consumer health option. The plans cover 100 percent of preventative care even if you have a preexisting condition, and employees with higher positions enjoy more generous coverage. The company also provides long-term disability insurance.
Activision Blizzard
Any full-time or part-time employee of Activision Blizzard (a video game studio) can access the health insurance benefits for themselves and their dependents. Employees can choose among a CDHP Plan, a PPO plan and others. Employees can also opt to get dental and vision plans.
You can benefit from additional medical programs such as televideo medicine, fertility treatment, diabetes support, treatment of autism, chiropractic care and mental health counseling, among other services. In terms of drugs, every plan from Activision Blizzard covers preventive generic drugs at 100 percent.
You can access two different dental plans: A PPO that covers in-network and out-of-network dental providers and a DHMO that generally only accepts in-network providers. The plan covers almost all kinds of services including the basic ones, major services such as implants, and orthodontics. You also enjoy vision coverage.
Final Thoughts
If you consider how much money you would pay for private health insurance, it becomes crucial to work for a company that offers you that benefit. Health benefits are an effective way to attract and reward clients. It can boost their productivity and have a positive view of the company. It increases the client’s job satisfaction and will make you feel better about working at that company. Above are the best part-time jobs that provide healthcare insurance.
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